About Us

Posted on July 12, 2022  • 
1 minutes  •
124 words  • Other languages:  Français

“That which is not shared is lost” is the slogan with which OpenMindsClub goes by. We are a student-lead organization which aims to promote the spirit of collaboration between students, sharing knowledge, the Free Open Source Philosophy inside and outside of our university “USTHB”, and that through the organisation of a variety of events and trainings every year such as the GNU/Linux Install Party, OpenFest, Arduino Setup…etc: Events that we are the most famous for.

But there’s more! We do everything from projects, lectures, courses, workshops and events. Follow us closely on social media to know more:

Take a look at our website for more information: https://openmindsclub.net

Learn more about our open source projects and contribute on GitHub .

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We do everything from projects, lectures, courses, workshops and events. Follow us closely to know more !