February 1, 2015

Breast Cancer

Posted on February 1, 2015  • 
4 minutes  •
755 words


In our society, certain issues are weirdly interpreted, especially when it comes to some dangerous diseases, the insouciant gives general knowledge but sceptics. For many, the only thing that they would be focusing on is that it is something horrific and talking about it will increase their chances to have it. Therefore, they prefer not to bring it up. In this field there was several researches, first we must know what is breast cancer? Like any cancer in general, it develops from the body cells (breast cells) and generates a tumor, cancer cells multiply uncontrollably, and there are too many cells than the number needed. The tumor usually starts in the inner lining of milk ducts (tubes) or the lobules - tiny glands that produce milk - that supply them with milk. The tumor could be malignant tumor, which can spread to other parts of the body causing other types of cancer (invasive).


What is the difference between invasive and non-invasive breast cancer?

Invasive breast cancer - cancer

cells get out from inside the lobules or ducts and invade nearby tissues reaching the lymph nodes, and eventually make their way to other organs, such as bones, liver or lungs. The cells can travel through the bloodstream or the lymphatic system to other parts of the body.

Non-invasive breast cancer - cancer cells stay still in their origin place.

Sometimes, this type of breast cancer is called “pre-cancerous”; which means that although cells have not spread into the body, eventually it could develop invasive breast cancer. What causes breast cancer? Many factors can develop it in both sexes male and female since boys and girls, men and women all have breast tissues. The vast majority of the cases occur in females. Even though experts are not entirely sure what could cause it in female rang, we can present some general causes which do,


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