November 6, 2022

What is FOSS

Posted on November 6, 2022  • 
8 minutes  •
1543 words

1. Introduction To Open Source

Open source is source code that is made freely available for possible modification and re/distribution. It’s a movement in software that began as a response to the limitations of proprietary code with the main principle of open collaboration.

Generally, open source in IT refers to a source code that is available to the general public for use or modification. The code is released under the terms of a software license. Depending on the license terms, others may then download, modify, and publish their version (fork) back to the community.

2. Open collaboration

Open collaboration is any system of production that relies on goal-oriented participants who interact to create a product (or service) of economic value, which is made available to contributors and noncontributors alike. It is prominently observed in open source software.

It is the principle of peer production and mass collaboration and has been popularized by Richard Stallman’s GNU Manifesto. And  since then it can also be found in many other instances, such as in Internet forums and other Internet communities.

3. What is Free Open Source Software (FOSS)

The Free Software Movement was made known by Richard Stallman (ex researcher at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory). He had grown frustrated by the spread of proprietary software and came to see it as a violation of people’s rights to innovate and improve existing software.

In 1983, Stallman launched the GNU Project—an effort to create a complete operating system which would provide its users with the freedom to view, change, and share its source code. Stallman articulated his motivation for the project in the GNU Manifesto .

Proprietary software, according to Stallman, puts an unfair burden on users and developers who would otherwise be able to change the code to suit their own needs or alter it to serve a new function. Thus, the GNU Project can be seen as both a response to the rise of proprietary software as well as a callback to the previous era of freely shared source code and collaborative software development.

In 1985, Stallman built on the GNU Project by founding the Free Software Foundation (FSF), a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the concept of free software to the wider public. Stallman would also later develop the GNU General Public License, a software license which guarantees the rights of end-users to run, view, and share source code freely.

The Freedoms

According to the FSF, for a piece of software to be considered truly “free,” its license must guarantee four essential freedoms to its users:

  1. The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose.
  2. The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
  3. The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor.
  4. The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others. By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.

4. What is the difference between Free and Open Source Software

The difference in meaning between “free software” and “open source software” comes from the difference in the approach and philosophy.

As the Open Source Initiative sees it, both terms mean the same thing, and they can be used interchangeably in just about any context. They simply prefer the “open source” label because they believe it provides a clearer description of the software and its creators’ intent for how it should be used.

For the “free software” side (ex. Free Software Foundation and OpenMindsClub) “open source” doesn’t fully convey the importance of the movement and the potential long-term social problems caused by proprietary software. We see OSI as being too concerned with promoting the practical benefits of non-proprietary software (including its profitability and the efficiency of a community-driven development model), and not concerned enough with the ethical issues and restricting users’ rights to change and improve code on their own terms.

Whether or not a given piece of software is free or open source depends on which license it’s distributed under and whether that license is approved by the Open Source Initiative, the Free Software Foundation, or both.

S.No. FOSS Philosophy OSS Philosophy
1. It was coined by the Free Software Foundation in the 1980s. A rebranding from the term “Free Software” was coined in the late 1990s.
2. Software is an important part of people’s lives. Software is just software. There are no ethics associated directly with it.
3. Software freedom translates to social freedom. Ethics are to be associated with the people not with the software.
4. Freedom is a value that is more important than any economical advantage. Freedom is not an absolute concept.
5. Every free software is open source. Every open source software is not free software.
6. There is no such issue that exists in free software. There are many different open source software licenses, and some of them are quite restricted, resulting in open source software that is not free.
7. No restrictions are imposed on free software. Open source software occasionally imposes some constraints on users.
8. Examples: The Free Software Directory maintains a large database of free software packages. Some of the best-known examples include the Linux kernel, the BSD and Linux operating systems, the GNU Compiler Collection and C library; the MySQL relational database; the Apache web server; and the Sendmail mail transport agent. Examples: Prime examples of open-source products are the Apache HTTP Server, the e-commerce platform Open Source Commerce, internet browsers Mozilla Firefox, and Chromium (the project where the vast majority of development of the freeware Google Chrome is done), and the full office suite LibreOffice.

A. Copyleft Licenses

Term coined by Richard Stallman, “Copyleft” refers to licenses that allow derivative works but require them to use the same license as the original work.

  1. Common development and distribution license (CDDL)
  2. Mozilla public licenses (MPL)
  3. GPL
  4. Lesser GPL (LGPL)
  5. Eclipse public license (EPL)

B. Permissive Licenses

A “permissive” license is simply a non-copyleft open source license — one that permits proprietary derivative works.

  1. Apache 2
  2. BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)
  3. MIT

6. Why FOSS Matters


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